The June 2020 Learning By Design recognizes the recipients of the 2020 Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Excellence Awards program. The collaboration between Learning By Design and SCUP highlights 19 winning projects from the 2020 SCUP Excellence…
As the world emerges from their homes, businesses and schools are beginning to reopen. The Education Market Association (ED Market) wants to make sure you know that EDspaces 2020 is still planned for November 11-13, in Charlotte, NC. Now more than ever, school leaders, planners, architects and design professionals need the opportunity to share…
A minimal three-legged design, with a basic triangular shape, at first sight the Stakki chair stands out like no other. With his innovative concept, designer Martin Ballendat has created an iconic chair which is both visually and functionally unique – individual and absolutely unmistakable. Watch the video: …
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS – May 14, 2020 – Finegold Alexander Architects…
Sonoma Academy’s Janet Durgin Guild and Commons has been awarded LEED Platinum,…
(April 1, 2020) – The Spring 2020 Education Facilities Design Awards edition of LEARNING BY DESIGN magazine has been released featuring Sixty-Seven (67)…
(St. Louis, MO, March 11, 2020) –Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) announced plans on March 6 to build an $80 million medical school campus in the heart of M Property Services’…
The $104.5 million renovation and expansion of historic Pioneer Hall at the University of Minnesota was honored by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI). …
Penn Wharton Entrepreneurship is hosting a furniture competition to design the lobby of Tangen Hall…